"Behind every wine label, there’s a story. Some, however, are better than others.
Below I list a handful of wines featured at the recent Chef Meets BC Grape festival held in Calgary on May 7, 2019. Each wine is memorable because it’s delicious; some even won awards. And every bottle has a passionate, fun, or quirky story to share at your next dinner party or afternoon on the patio.
Moon Curser 2017 Arneis
“Moon Curser is a synonym for ’smuggler’ and is meant to reflect history of Osoyoos, the small border town in the South Okanagan where we are located,” says Beata Tolley, who is Moon Curser Vineyard’s co-proprietor.
“Back in the gold rush days, many gold seekers would travel to this area from California, looking for gold, and then try to smuggle the gold back without paying duty or taxes. Hence the concept of cursing the moon — darkness was definitely a friend when trying to cross the border.”
American artist Andrea Dezso, who specializes in hand-cut paper, mosaic and embroidery, designed the Moon Curser label illustrations. Each contains references to South Okanagan wildlife: deer, fox, even a tiny bat. “The gold pick, the mule, the saddle bags on the Arneis label all reference the gold mining and smuggling activities of days past, as does the wide swath of gold and the little gold nuggets in the corners of the front label,” adds Tolley."
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