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Our Team

Moon Curser Vineyards - a name that captures many colourful stories of the Osoyoos area, as well as the renegade spirit of our winemaking. Meet the colourful characters of our team below.

Community & Stewardship

We want Moon Curser Vineyards to be a responsible corporate citizen and a contributing member of both our most immediate community of Osoyoos, as well as the broader world of South Okanagan and British Columbia. We strive to be a responsible and fair employer, continue to evolve our farming practices to grow the grapes that we use in a sustainable fashion, and support local businesses, charitable organizations, and our neighbours and colleagues the best we can.

We are:

Sukhi Dhaliwal, Gurjit Dhaliwal & Harjit Dhaliwal


There are some new owners in town, you might have seen the news. They're busy getting to know the inner workings of what is involved with becoming a "Moon Curser". We have been known to avoid paper trails anyway, but they might get captured in the act by a photographer one day...

Chris & Beata Tolley


Still lurking about and at risk of getting caught red-handed.

Moon Curser Chris Tolley

Chris Tolley

Complex fella: Software Engineer toppled by the wine bug. His academic year at NZ’s Lincoln University in Viticulture and Oenology program gave him a soft spot for offbeat varieties with loads of character. Now works as Executive Winemaker, or so he claims. “You got something special for me?”

Moon Curser Beata Tolley

Beata Tolley

Chartered Accountant? Yeah, right. Also trained in viticulture and oenology at Lincoln University, she now manages the inner workings of Moon Curser and makes inexplicable things happen. “Nothing clandestine is going on here. Just look the other way."


Moon Curser Christian Scagnetti

Christian Scagnetti

The Winemaker. They call him 'The Crusher', but never to his face. Makes wine sing like a bird. Impeccable standards, a refined palate and an innate understanding of what it takes, grape to bottle. Aims for the stars. Hides from the moon.

Moon Curser Crystal Coverdale

Crystal Coverdale

Orchestrates the machinations of the joint as the winery GM. Member of the inner sanctum, and possibly a witness relocation program. Knows not to draw too much attention to the operation except when she flirts with social media. Keen eye, meticulous oversight. "The best surprise is no surprise".   


Moon Curser Barbara Kahlo

Barbara Kahlo - Forever in our hearts

It’s with very heavy hearts that we share the news that our beloved friend and Moon Curser’s Wine Smuggling Operations Coordinator, Barbara Kahlo, passed away at the end of February.

She was a lady full of style and class, and with that was quietly fighting a battle over the last year while continuing to work. Slow down, skip a beat? Never.

Barbara had been a key part of Moon Curser for over seven years. Tasting Room, Wine Club, online wine sales, you name it. Personalized service was Barbara’s speciality and she connected with our guests and our crew on another level. She always got the goods out quick, made this place run like clockwork and got things done yesterday. Barbara also had mad baking skills, creativity and an artistic eye. No bottling day at Moon Curser will be the same without Barbara’s baking. Her love for holidays was always seen in our Winter in Wine Country decorations, especially with the beautiful Moon Curser wreath she made.

Barbara had so much joy and enthusiasm for life - one of the most vibrant people we have ever known.

She will forever be in our hearts.



Moon Curser: Brand Elements
Moon Curser Moon Icon

All this attention is making us nervous....

Moon Curser was recognized as #1 Best Performing Small Winery in Canada at the 2019 WineAlign National Wine Awards of Canada.

Do you seek gold as much as we do....? View All Awards

Here are a few reports and unconfirmed rumours from various sources. Some credible, and others, well.... View All Reports